Hey, what's up? My name is Feldschlacht IV, but a lot of people also call me Mog, so that's fine too. I like working on my game, and I also like downloading some of your games and giving them a spin as well. I'm also big on community related things to get all of us together for whatever reason. If you're sticking around here, you'll definitely see more of me in the future.

See you later!
Chronology of the Last E...
One man tries his luck against the world and everything in it.



Mattress Kingdoms

oh god yes

Edifice: The Old, Decrepit Version

please finish this


Definitely a cool game. Challenging, as intended, but the difficulty itself is entirely playable, so that's cool. It reminds me of older NES/SNES/Genesis gaming back in the day.

I would however like to agree with Vulcan in the fact that I wish enemies would drop some sort of health or something, even if rarely.


I will check this out when I get home. It certainly caught my eye!


Interesting concept. I have my eye on this!

Hero's Realm

wait how would that possibly work



Chronology of the Last Era

Yeah I haven't forgotten about this! I'll try to tidy things up a bit little by little. Also NicoB, thank you for the offer! I'll have to take you up on that.